培訓啦 英語學習

聽音,選答案。1. It's ____________on Sunday.[ ]


聽音,選答案。1. It's ____________ on Sunday.[ ]A. sunny

B. rainy

C. cloudy2. Mike's father is a (n) ____________.[ ]A. policeman

B. accountant

C. writer3. Sarah ____________ yesterday evening. [ ]A. read some books

B. bought some books

C. visited grandparents 4. ____________ is taller.[ ]A. Amy

B. Mike

C. /5. ____________ is (are) going to the science museum on the weekend. [ ]A. only David

B. only Alice

C. David and Alice 6. Which is right (正確)?[ ]A. Amy is happy.

B. Amy is sad.

C. John can't help Amy.


1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. B

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