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托福TPO是托福備考小伙伴們最重要的參考資料,并且這個是在備考時候一定要認(rèn)真多多練習(xí),托福TPO是非常重要的希望大家一定要重視起來,我為廣大的托??忌砹送懈i喿xTPO10(試題+答案+譯文)第1篇:Chinese Pottery,下面就來跟我一起來看下面精彩內(nèi)容吧!
China has one of the world's oldestcontinuous civilizations—despite invasions and occasional foreign rule. Acountry as vast as China with so long-lasting a civilization has a complexsocial and visual history, within which pottery and porcelain play a majorrole.
The function and status of ceramics inChina varied from dynasty to dynasty, so they may be utilitarian, burial,trade-collectors', or even ritual objects, according to their quality and theera in which they were made. The ceramics fall into three broadtypes—earthenware, stoneware, and porcelain—for vessels, architectural itemssuch as roof tiles, and modeled objects and figures. In addition, there was animportant group of sculptures made for religious use, the majority of whichwere produced in earthenware.
The earliest ceramics were fired toearthenware temperatures, but as early as the fifteenth century B.C.,high-temperature stone wares were being made with glazed surfaces. During theSix Dynasties period (AD 265-589), kilns in north China were producinghigh-fired ceramics of good quality. White wares produced in Hebei and Henanprovinces from the seventh to the tenth centuries evolved into the highlyprized porcelains of the Song dynasty (AD. 960-1279), long regarded as one ofthe high points in the history of China's ceramic industry. The tradition ofreligious sculpture extends over most historical periods but is less clearlydelineated than that of stone wares or porcelains, for it embraces the oldcustom of earthenware burial ceramics with later religious images andarchitectural ornament. Ceramic products also include lead-glazed tomb modelsof the Han dynasty, three-color lead-glazed vessels and figures of the Tangdynasty, and Ming three-color temple ornaments, in which the motifs wereoutlined in a raised trail of slip—as well as the many burial ceramics producedin imitation of vessels made in materials of higher intrinsic value.
Trade between the West and the settled andprosperous Chinese dynasties introduced new forms and different technologies.One of the most far-reaching examples is the impact of the fine ninth-centuryAD. Chinese porcelain wares imported into the Arab world. So admired were thesepieces that they encouraged the development of earthenware made in imitation ofporcelain and instigated research into the method of their manufacture. Fromthe Middle East the Chinese acquired a blue pigment—a purified form of cobaltoxide unobtainable at that time in China—that contained only a low level ofmanganese. Cobalt ores found in China have a high manganese content, whichproduces a more muted blue-gray color. In the seventeenth century, the tradingactivities of the Dutch East India Company resulted in vast quantities ofdecorated Chinese porcelain being brought to Europe, which stimulated andinfluenced the work of a wide variety of wares, notably Delft. The Chinesethemselves adapted many specific vessel forms from the West, such as bottleswith long spouts, and designed a range of decorative patterns especially forthe European market.
Just as painted designs on Greek pots mayseem today to be purely decorative, whereas in fact they were carefully andprecisely worked out so that at the time, their meaning was clear, so it iswith Chinese pots. To twentieth-centuryeyes, Chinese pottery may appear merely decorative, yet to the Chinese the formof each object and its adornment had meaning and significance. The dragonrepresented the emperor, and the phoenix, the empress; the pomegranateindicated fertility, and a pair of fish, happiness; mandarin ducks stood forwedded bliss; the pine tree, peach, and crane are emblems of long life; and fishleaping from waves indicated success in the civil service examinations. onlywhen European decorative themes were introduced did these meanings becomeobscured or even lost.
From early times pots were used in bothreligious and secular contexts. The imperial court commissioned work and in theYuan dynasty (A.D. 1279-1368) an imperial ceramic factory was established atJingdezhen. Pots played an important part in some religious ceremonies. Longand often lyrical descriptions of the different types of ware exist that assistin classifying pots, although these sometimes confuse an already large andcomplicated picture.
1. The word “status” in thepassage(Paragraph 2)is closest in meaning to
B. importance
2.According to paragraph 2, which of thefollowing is true of Chinese ceramics?
A. The function of ceramics remained thesame from dynasty to dynasty.
B.The use of ceramics as trade objects isbetter documented than the use of ceramics as ritual objects.
C. There was little variation in qualityfor any type of ceramics over time.
D.Some religious sculptures were made usingthe earthenware type of ceramics.
3.The word “evolve” in the passage(Paragraph3)is closest in meaning to
A. divided
D. vanished
4.Which of the sentences below bestexpresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence(Paragraph 3) inthe passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leaveout essential information.
A.While stone wares and porcelains arefound throughout most historical periods, religious sculpture is limited to theancient period.
B.Religious sculpture was created in mostperiods, but its history is less clear than that of stone wares or porcelainsbecause some old forms continued to be used even when new ones were developed.
C.While stone wares and porcelains changedthroughout history, religious sculpture remained uniform in form and use.
D.The historical development of religioussculpture is relatively unclear because religious sculptures sometimes resembleearthenware architectural ornaments.
5.Paragraph 3 supports all of the followingconcerning the history of the ceramic industry in China EXCEPT:
A.The earliest high-fired ceramics were ofpoor quality.
B. Ceramics produced during the Tang andMing dynasties sometimes incorporated multiple colors.
Earthenware ceramics were produced in Chinabefore stone wares were.
D.The Song dynasty period was notable forthe production of high quality porcelain ceramics.
6.The word “instigate” in thepassage(Paragraph 4)is closest in meaning to
C. narrowed
7.According to paragraph 4, one consequenceof the trade of Chinese ceramics was
A. the transfer of a distinctive bluepigment from China to the Middle East
B.an immediate change from earthenwareproduction to porcelain production in European countries
C.Chinese production of wares made for theEuropean market
D.a decreased number of porcelain vesselsavailable on the European market
8.The word “whereas” in thepassage(Paragraph 5)is closest in meaning to
A. while
B. previously
9.In paragraph 5, the author compares thedesigns on Chinese pots to those on Greek pots in order to
A.emphasize that while Chinese pots weredecorative, Greek pots were functional
B.argue that the designs on Chinese potshad specific meanings and were not just decorative
C.argue that twentieth-century scholars arebetter able to understand these designs than were ancient scholars
D.explain how scholars have identified themeaning of specific images on Chinese pots
10.Which of the following is mentioned inparagraph 5 as being symbolically represented on Chinese ceramics?
A.Chinese rulers
B. love of homeland
C. loyally to friends
D. success in trade
11.Paragraph 5 suggests which of thefollowing about the decorations on Chinese pottery?
A.They had more importance for aristocratsthan for ordinary citizens.
B.Their significance may have remainedclear had the Chinese not come under foreign influence.
C.They contain some of the same images thatappear on Greek pots
D.Their significance is now as clear totwentieth century observers as it was to the early Chinese.
12.The word “these” in the passage(Paragraph6)refers to
A.religious ceremonies
B. descriptions
C.types of ware
13. Look at the four squares [■]thatindicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. Wherecould the sentence best fit? Foreign trade was also responsible for certaininnovations in coloring.
Trade between the West and the settled andprosperous Chinese dynasties introduced new forms and different technologies.One of the most far-reaching examples is the impact of the fine ninth-centuryAD. Chinese porcelain wares imported into the Arab world. ■【A】So admiredwere these pieces that they encouraged the development of earthenware made inimitation of porcelain and instigated research into the method of theirmanufacture. ■【B】From the Middle East the Chinese acquired a blue pigment—a purifiedform of cobalt oxide unobtainable at that time in China—thatcontained only a low level of manganese. Cobalt ores found in China have a highmanganese content, which produces a more muted blue-gray color. ■【C】In theseventeenth century, the trading activities of the Dutch East India Companyresulted in vast quantities of decorated Chinese porcelain being brought toEurope, which stimulated and influenced the work of a wide variety of wares,notably Delft. ■【D】The Chinese themselves adapted many specific vessel forms from theWest, such as bottles with long spouts, and designed a range of decorativepatterns especially for the European market.
14. Directions: An introductory sentencefor a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary byselecting the THREE answer that express the most important ideas in thepassage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideasthat not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. Thisquestion is worth 2 points.
Ceramics have been produced in China for avery long time.
A.The Chinese produced earthenware,stoneware, and porcelain pottery and they used their ceramics for a variety ofutilitarian, architectural, and ceremonial purposes.
B. The shape and decoration of ceramicsproduced for religious use in China were influenced by Chinese ceramicsproduced for export.
C.As a result of trade relations, Chineseceramic production changed and Chinese influenced the ceramics production ofother countries.
D. Chinese burial ceramics have the longestand most varied history of production and were frequently decorated withwritten texts that help scholars date them.
E.Before China had contact with the West,the meaning of various designs used to decorate Chinese ceramics was wellunderstood.
F.Ceramics made in imperial factories wereused in both religious and non-religious contexts.
托福 閱讀答案
2.問題中的關(guān)鍵詞不能用,所以排除法最好。A的dynasty todynasty做關(guān)鍵詞定位至第一句,說反,錯;B的trade objects和ritual objects做關(guān)鍵詞定位至第一句,原文沒有比較,錯;C的quality做關(guān)鍵詞定位至第一句,說根據(jù)它們質(zhì)量決定用來干嘛,所以質(zhì)量是有變化的,C錯;D的religious和earthenware做關(guān)鍵詞定位至最后一句,正確
3.evolve進化,演化,所以C的develop正確。原文說七到十世紀(jì)的白瓷怎么樣成了宋代的很好的瓷,無論從時間上還是后面說的highly prized都證明后面的比前面的好,所以應(yīng)該是變好的意思,A分開B延伸D消失都沒有變好之意
4.原文的主要關(guān)系是因果,因果的結(jié)果部分包含了一個轉(zhuǎn)折,所以從結(jié)構(gòu)上說只有B和D可能正確。B正確,D錯在原文說stoneware和porcelain比religious sculpture清楚,但沒說religious sculpture不清楚,錯
5.EXCEPT題,排除法。A的high-firedceramics做關(guān)鍵詞定位至第二句,原文說good quality, 備選項說poor,反了,錯,選;B的Tang and Ming Dynasty做關(guān)鍵詞定位至最后一句,正確,不選;C的earthenware和stoneware做關(guān)鍵詞定位至第一句,原文說最早的是earthenware,所以比stoneware早,所以C正確,不選;D的Song dynasty做關(guān)鍵詞定位至第三句,正確,不選
6.nstigate教唆,鼓動,煽動,所以cause引起正確,注意不要被investigate迷惑。原句說那些陶器非常惹人喜愛,促進了earthenware的發(fā)展,也instigate了制陶 方法 的研究,instigate與原文的encourage并列,所以應(yīng)該是鼓勵之意。A提升改善B調(diào)查C變窄均不正確
7.以trade of Chineseceramics做關(guān)鍵詞定位至倒數(shù)第二句,問結(jié)果,所以應(yīng)該關(guān)注result in之后的內(nèi)容,說大量的Chinese porcelain到了歐洲,影響了一系列ware,接著又說會專門為歐洲市場做一些ware,所以C正確;注意B盡管說到了change,但immediate是原文沒說的;A沒說;D說反了,應(yīng)該是增加
8.注意 句子 中的seem和in fact,seem叫做看上去,也就是事實很可能不是這樣,后面的in fact叫做事實上,也就是說前面說的很可能不是事實,兩者呼應(yīng),都說明兩句話之間的關(guān)系是轉(zhuǎn)折,所以while正確
9.先看本句,現(xiàn)代人認(rèn)為希臘的pots上的design只是裝飾,沒有實際意義,但事實上是有意義的,中國的pots也這樣,所以B正確。A錯,不是pots decorative,而是design;C說反,D沒說方式,所以how錯
10.問下面哪個是design的替代意義,倒數(shù)第二句整個都在說pots上design的意義,提到了emperor和empress,皇帝和皇后,所以A的Chinese rulers正確,統(tǒng)治者;其他都沒說
11.問題中關(guān)鍵詞不明顯,排除法。A的ordinarycitizens和aristocrat原文沒說;B的foreign influence做關(guān)鍵詞定位至最后一句的European,說直到引入歐洲theme之后中國原有的裝飾的意思才被obscure,對應(yīng)B,沒有foreign influence那些意思不會改變,正確;C沒說;D反了,應(yīng)該是ancient更熟悉
12.these往前找,找主語。注意從句子一開始到exist之前都是句子的主語,但of之前的東西是整個句子的核心,所以答案是description,對于什么什么的描述,描述才是核心,不是types of ware
13.兩個過渡點,名詞foreign trade和coloring。foreigntrade對應(yīng)原文第四句的from Middle East Chinese acquired blabla和倒數(shù)第二句的tradingactivities,所以B/C/D都有可能;coloring證明B或者C正確。按照正常邏輯,應(yīng)該先總括,說外貿(mào)也使染色技術(shù)發(fā)生變化,接著再說怎么變的,所以B正確,C錯誤
14.The Chinese選項對應(yīng)第二段第二句,正確
The shape選項原文沒說,不選
【2】在中國,每一個朝代陶瓷的功能和地位都是不同的,所以,根據(jù)它們的質(zhì)量和制作年代的不同,可以是實用器物、陪葬品、貿(mào)易 收藏 品,甚至是禮器。對于容器、瓦片等建筑材料、模仿的物體或人物,陶瓷廣義上被分為3大類:陶器、炻器和瓷器。另外,瓷器中還有很重要的一類就是宗教用途的雕塑,它們多數(shù)是陶質(zhì)的。
【4】西方國家和繁榮穩(wěn)定的歷代中國朝代之間的貿(mào)易促使雙方互相引入了新的形式和不同的技術(shù)。有一個意義最為深遠(yuǎn)的例子,公元9世紀(jì)精美中國瓷器出口到阿拉伯世界,帶來巨大的影響。阿拉伯人對這些瓷器贊不絕口,于是他們鼓勵制陶來仿制瓷器,并激勵人們研究制作方法。中國人從中東獲得了一種藍(lán)色顏料——一種純化的氧化鈷,當(dāng)時在中國并未出現(xiàn),其中只含有少量的錳。中國境內(nèi)發(fā)現(xiàn)的鈷礦石含有大量的會產(chǎn)生暗藍(lán)灰色的錳元素。17世紀(jì),大量中國裝飾類瓷器通過荷蘭東印度公司的交易活動流入歐洲,這刺激和影響了廣泛多樣的瓷器的生產(chǎn),特別是代爾夫特 。中國人自己改良了很多種來自西方的特殊器皿,比如長嘴的瓶子,并專門為歐洲市場設(shè)計了一系列裝飾性圖案。
托福閱讀TPO10(試題+答案+譯文)第1篇:Chinese Pottery相關(guān) 文章 :
托福備考的過程中,要想寫作取得優(yōu)勢,多閱讀一些 范文 是十分有必要的,下面我給大家?guī)硗懈懽鞲叻? 范文大全,快來學(xué)習(xí)吧!
Task:It has been said, “Not everything that is learned is contained in books.” Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?.
We all crave knowledge, especially in this Age of Information, but what is the best source of knowledge? Are we to believe Albert Camus, who stated” The place we are to get knowledge is in books”? Or are we better served by following Albert Einstein's counsel that “The only source of knowledge is experience”? Although books have their place in one's learning, there is no substitute for experience; indeed, it is experience that is ultimately the most important source of knowledge.
First, let us consider the knowledge needed to undertake a profession-for example, that of a physician. Knowledge gained from books provides the foundation of a doctor's training: study in a medical school begins with a near-overload of reading on anatomy, physiology and maladies both rare and common. However, during this time the medical student is also learning through experience, beginning with dissecting cadavers from almost the first day of medical school. Then, the aspiring physician must complete four years of residency, consisting of actual supervised experience at a hospital in which he or she now must put into practice all of the knowledge he or she has edge of dealing with patients, prescribing medication, and the joy and sadness of saving and losing patients; in other words, it is through experience that these residents finally learn what it means to be a doctor.
What about knowledge other than professional expertise-for example, knowledge about another culture? In this realm as well, both books and real-life experience enrich and edify us. For example, Paris is perhaps the most talked-about and written-about city in the world. We could read Hemingway's A Moveable Feast, in which he describes the excitement and intellectual spirit-as well as the restaurants and plentiful red wine-of Paris in the 1920's. Or, we could travel to Paris and eat at bistros, walk across the Pont Neuf and look at the river Seine, visit the Louvre museum, and have adventures of our own. Clearly, most people would have attained more lasting and vivid knowledge by visiting Paris on their own rather than reading about it secondhand.
In summary, experience, rather than books, is more central to our quest for learning, especially with regard to professional expertise. With regard to learning about another culture, experience is also irreplaceable. Yet not everyone in the world will have the health or financial resources to carry out a trip to Paris. But many people have access to a local library where they can borrow A Moveable Feast and, at no cost, read Hemingway's vibrant descriptions of Paris. We cannot forget the complementary and unique knowledge afforded by books, but experience is the most precious source of knowledge.
Task:“When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success.” Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.
It is universally acknowledged that hard work is indispensable to success. Scientists toil for years before they make a major discovery. Students study for years before they are accepted by a top university. Self-make people work for a long time, even all their life before they make a fortune. However, less well-known is the essential role that luck plays in achieving one's goals. It is often luck that turns years of hard work into success: people discover and invent things with the help of luck, and so do they become famous and find jobs.
First, luck has helped a great number of people invent and discover things. Sir Alexander Fleming experimented with antibacterial substances for nine years before he discovered penicillin. He went through laborious trial and error, but it was on account of luck that he looked at the mold on a piece of cheese and got the idea for penicillin there and then. Benjamin Franklin had been trying to prove his idea that lightning and electricity is the same thing, but it was only in flying a kite that he proved it and the concept of a lightning rod happened to strike him.
Also, luck helps people become famous. Let us consider young authors. Many work hard to learn to write. For example, they take writing classes. Besides, they work at menial jobs so as to survive and gain experience. Then one day a lucky writer may have piece of writing published and attract public attention. Or the writer meets an editor at the right time and place. Years of continuous writing brings the writer to the door of success, but one lucky chance, like the shot in soccer, eventually helps him or her reap success.
Finally, luck has helped many people secure jobs. One may spend much time writing and sending resumes, reading recruiting ads, and going to job interviews. One may pond the pavement for a long time before getting a job. However, it is with luck that a job hunter meets the person who will offer a position to him or her, or learns of a vacancy that is not advertised. Being at the right place at the right time often helps one land a job, and this has all to do with luck. One can hardly succeed without hard work, but hard work without luck often leads to nothing. Luck has a great number of people find success. In fact, luck goes hand in hand with hard work.
Task:Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes. Others believe that going to classes should be optional for students. Which point of view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.
Some people think that university students should be able to choose whether to go to classes or not. I could not disagree more with this idea. Even though students can have excused absences, for example, when they are sick or have something emergent to attend, generally they should be required to go to classes. In fact, attending classes has many advantages, three of them most important: learning from the teacher, interacting with classmates, and developing responsibility. Attending classes has the benefit of receiving the best that a teacher can offer. Good teachers review the difficult and key pints of the material in the course textbook. The best teachers do more than this. They conduct group discussion of the material, and present alternative points of view on the same issue. This increases students' real understanding and critical thinking.
Moreover, teachers supplement the textbook material with information provide by guest speakers, which further enhances students' understanding. All this implies that, if students are absent from class, it is tantamount to forfeiting their right to full benefits of teacher-guided learning in class. Going to classes also helps students learn how to work with their classmates. In class, students need to put forward their ideas. They have to take questions from their classmates and when their classmates have a different point of view, they have to defend their own. All this is conducted in a friendly manner. Interaction of this kind teaches students about how to work with other people.
Finally, going to classes enables students to develop responsibility. Having to finish all the assigned readings before class helps prepare them for getting a job. So does the requirement of being punctual for class. Similarly, having to complete assignment on time for class helps them to foster responsibility.
Admittedly, students can obtain information from books, but they benefit a great deal more when they go to classes. They have the advantage of learning from their teacher, of interacting with other people, and of developing the responsibility required of a good worker as well as a good student. If these skills in life are in no sense optional, how can attending classes in a university be optional?
托??荚? 作文 題目:
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Most experiences in our lives that seemed difficult at the time become valuable lessons for the future. Use reasons and specific examples to support our answer.
Some people argue that most experiences in our lives that seemed difficult at the time can later become valuable experiences. I cannot agree with them more. There are numerous reasons why I hold confidence on this opinion, and I would explore only a few primary ones here.
Difficulties are beneficial to our personal growth. In the course of our life, we will face numerous difficulties, and each difficulty will help us grow up, and become a valuable lesson for the future. A toddler fells off the ground for many times before he knows how to walk, and a child learns how to swim after he drinks water in the swimming pool. In addition, only after we experienced failures, we know the value of success. We will never appreciate anything that comes so easy. Difficulties can make us feel stronger and be more confident for the future obstacles.
Furthermore, difficulties in our work can help us gain more experience and knowledge. Most of the times we can gain knowledge and experiences faster through experiencing difficulties in our life and trying to find a solutions to the perplexities that we face. There is a famous saying, "no pain no gain." For example, when we take on a new job that we do not have much experience in, the first few weeks can be extremely painful and we may feel enormous pressure and difficulties. And we will try our best to adjust, to learn and to think, how to do this job better. The more difficulties we feel, the harder we try to acquire the skills and knowledge to overcome it. Learning and this stage is extremely efficient and our problem solving skills well increase. After we overcome more and more problems, we can become an experienced worker in this field and will be able to take on more challenges. We will never fear that we will face the same kind of problem again. This means that we have accumulated valuable experiences for the future.
In a word, a difficult experience is a gift that life gives us. We should appreciate it and take it as a precious opportunity to gain knowledge and experience about our study, work and life.
托福寫作高分范文大全相關(guān) 文章 :
1. 托福備考之獨立寫作滿分范文5篇精選
2. 托福寫作常用經(jīng)典高分例句精選
3. 托福高分作文寫作模板精選
4. 托福綜合寫作考試高分必備
5. 關(guān)于托福英語作文,你一定要知道的高分句型!
6. 托福寫作如何考高分:20170527托福獨立寫作解析和范文
7. 關(guān)于托??荚嚫叻肿魑姆段?/p>
8. 托福獨立寫作比較模板經(jīng)典高分
9. 托福作文高分之策略
10. 托福獨立作文模板經(jīng)典高分
1、This view is widely acknowledged;however,there is little evidence that smoking is beneficial to people's health.這個觀點被廣泛認(rèn)可,然而,幾乎沒有證據(jù)表明吸煙對人們健康有利。
2、Although(While) the computer has been widely used in class,it cannot replace the role of teachers.盡管計算機已經(jīng)廣泛用于課堂,但是它不能取代教師的作用。
3、Reasonable as the opinion sounds,it cannot bear much analysis.雖然這個觀點聽起來有道理,但是它經(jīng)不住分析 4、In spite of a lot of conveniences that cars bring to people's life,they can create a series of serious problems.盡管汽車給人們的生活帶來了許多便利,但是也產(chǎn)生了一系列嚴(yán)重的問題。
1、It is hard to imagine what our life would look like without computers in modern society.很難想象如果現(xiàn)代社會沒有了計算機,我們的生活會變成什么樣子。
2、It is conceivable that being physically active does good to health.可想而知,積極參加體育活動有利于身體健康。
3、It is a highly controversial issue whether women should join the armed forces or not.女性是否應(yīng)該參軍是一個非常有爭議的問題。
4、It is universally acknowledged that water and air are indispensable to human beings. 人們普遍認(rèn)為,水和空氣對人類不可缺少。
5、It is essential that endangered species of animals be protected against being killed.保護瀕危的動物物種免遭殘殺是必需的。
6、It is high time that the government took effective measures to resolve these problems.該是政府采取有效措施來解決這些問題的時候了
7、It has been made easier for modern people to communicate with each other by the internet in a few seconds.現(xiàn)代人很容易通過互聯(lián)網(wǎng)在幾秒鐘內(nèi)就取得聯(lián)系。
8、It is worth caring about the way a child behaves.關(guān)心孩子們的行為方式是值得的。
9、It is no use crying over the spilt milk.覆水難收。
10、It has been a few decades since the computer came into being.自從計算機問世以來已經(jīng)有幾十年的時間了。
1、Undoubtedly,practical courses can be used to the reality,which is of vital importance to their development in the future.毫無疑問,實用性課程可以用于實際中,這對于他們未來發(fā)展是非常重要的。
2、Children tend to imitate what they have seen and heard on mass media,which is sometimes dangerous and harmful.孩子們傾向于模仿大眾媒體上的所見所聞,這在有時是危險和有害的。
3、The majority of students believe that part-time jobs will provide them with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills,which may put them in a favorable position in the future job markets.大部分學(xué)生相信業(yè)余工作會使他們有更多機會發(fā)展人際交往能力,這對他們未來找工作是非常有好處的。
1、Instead of indulging in playing computer games,children should be taught how to benefit from useful information on the internet.應(yīng)該教孩子們?nèi)绾螐幕ヂ?lián)網(wǎng)獲取有益的信息,而不是沉溺于玩電腦游戲。
2、On no account (Under no circumstances)can we ignore the immense value of knowledge.我們絕不能忽視知識的巨大價值。
3、College students take part-time jobs not for more money but for a better understanding of societies. 大學(xué)生參加兼職工作不是為了賺更多錢,而是為了更好地了解社會。
4、One's salary does not depend so much on his educational background as on his ability and contribution to the society.一個人的工資與其說取決于他的教育背景倒不如說取決于他的能力和對社會的貢獻。
5、In terms of nutrition,fast food is far from satisfactory.從營養(yǎng)角度來說,快餐遠(yuǎn)非令人滿意。
6、Parents would not expect their children to become useful persons without working hard.父母們不能指望孩子們不經(jīng)過刻苦努力就可以成才。
1、Violent films can do harm to young people,because they contains numerous negative information.暴力影片對年輕人是有害的,因為其中包含大量負(fù)面信息。
2、Human beings are chiefly responsible for wild animal extinction. 野生動物滅絕的主要責(zé)任在人類。
3、We should attribute (ascribe)medical advances to the animals which do substantial contributions to the experiment.我們應(yīng)該把醫(yī)學(xué)的發(fā)展歸因于動物對實驗做出的巨大貢獻。
4、Because of overpopulation,water shortage has become one of the most serious problems.由于人口過剩,水短缺已經(jīng)成為一個最嚴(yán)重的問題。
5、Owing to the fierce competition in today's world,a great many young people find themselves under great pressure.由于當(dāng)今世界的激烈競爭,大量的年輕人承受巨大的壓力。
1、Computers,most important of all,create wide communication around the world.最重要的是,計算機在世界范圍內(nèi)建立了廣泛的交流。
2、Providing more parking areas,in the long run,has proved to be a practical way out in many large cities in the world.從長遠(yuǎn)的利益來看,提供更多的停車位證明是許多世界大城市切實可行的出路。
3、Observing local culture,consciously and unconsciously,can reduce the chance of offending the locals,or it will lead to the embarrassment and even conflict.無論是否意識到,遵循當(dāng)?shù)氐奈幕梢詼p少冒犯當(dāng)?shù)厝说臋C會,否則,就會導(dǎo)致尷尬甚至沖突。
4、Space exploration,some people believe,will bring some unexpected discoveries.有人相信空間探索將會帶來意想不到的發(fā)現(xiàn)。
1、It is for the benefit of maintaining the ecological balance that human beings ought to protect the endangered animal species.正是為了維持生態(tài)平衡,人類才應(yīng)該保護地球上瀕危的動物物種。
2、It is not until people suffer from some fatal diseases such as SARS and AIDS that they are becoming aware of how significant it is for the government to invest more money in medical care. 直到人們患了像非典和愛滋病這樣致命的疾病時,才意識到政府把更多的錢投入到醫(yī)療上的重要性。
3、Nothing in the world is more valuable than health.
1、Studies show that juvenile delinquency rates are twice as high for youngsters from single-parent families as for those in traditional households.(同級比較)研究表明來自單親家庭的青少年犯罪率是來自傳統(tǒng)家庭的兩倍。
2、Generally speaking,people in modern times enjoy less leisure time than they did previously.(比較級)一般說來,現(xiàn)代人比過去享有更少的休閑時間。
3、Compared with those with different abilities,children with intelligence do more well in their school work and intelligence tests.與不同能力的孩子相比,聰明的孩子在學(xué)業(yè)和智力測驗方面表現(xiàn)更加突出。
4、Contrary to pop stars,other professionals like doctors and teachers create the true value for their society.與明星不同,其他專業(yè)人員如醫(yī)生和教師為社會創(chuàng)造了真正的價值。
5、Air is to human what (as) water is to fish.空氣對人類就如同水對魚一樣。
1、only in this way can the problem be tackled properly.只有這樣才能妥善地解決這個問題。
2、only when children take arduous efforts can they become successful.只有當(dāng)孩子們付出艱苦的努力他們才能獲得成功。
3、Not only does studying in school serve academic purpose,but students learn how to handle interpersonal relations.在校學(xué)習(xí)不僅為了學(xué)術(shù)目的,而且還可以學(xué)會如何處理人際關(guān)系。
4、Under no circumstances should youngsters follow negative information on mass media blindly.青少年決不應(yīng)當(dāng)盲從大眾媒體上的不良信息。
5、So valuable is water that we cannot afford to waste it.時間是如此珍貴,我們經(jīng)不起浪費它。
6、Nowadays,most dangerous for youngsters is the tendency to indulge in playing PC games.如今對青少年最為危險的事情是傾向于過多地玩電腦游戲。
1、If we destroy old buildings,then we will ruin the traditional culture and heritage.如果我們推倒老房子,就要破壞傳統(tǒng)的文化和遺產(chǎn)。
2、You would miss the chance to interact with other students if you used internet at home.假如你在家上網(wǎng),你就會失去與其他同學(xué)交流的機會。
3、once you change your present job,you will be faced with the danger of being unemployed.一旦你變換了現(xiàn)在的工作,就面臨著失業(yè)的危險。
托福寫作有幾篇 文章 ?關(guān)于托福寫作考試內(nèi)容想必是很多考生想要知道的。以下就是托福寫作考什么|考試內(nèi)容具體介紹,希望對考生托福備考有所幫助。
第一部分是綜合寫作,以閱讀和聽力材料為基礎(chǔ)的寫作試題,寫作時間為20分鐘??忌紫刃枰喿x一篇學(xué)術(shù)篇章,閱讀的時間是3分鐘。然后文章隱去,考生需要聽一段大約為2分鐘左右的與閱讀主題相關(guān)的演講。之后考生需要針對閱讀和演講中的觀點 作文,總結(jié) 并說明演講的內(nèi)容與閱讀中觀點的關(guān)系,在20分鐘的時間內(nèi)完成一篇150~225字的文章。
第二部分是獨立寫作,需要考生根據(jù)自己的知識和 經(jīng)驗 陳述、解釋并支持對待某一問題的某個看法,考查綜合語言技能的作文題目的評分以回答的質(zhì)量、完整性和準(zhǔn)確性為依據(jù)。在30分鐘內(nèi)完成一篇300字以上的文章。
History has to be vague and is therefore very interesting.
In China children have little rights and therefore have to do many things that they do not enjoy doing.
Computers have not only brought convenience but they have also made people learn more.
3、用not only把第一個謂語動詞切開,用but also把第二個謂語動詞切開
常見的三種 句子 切分結(jié)構(gòu):
Those parents, however, have supported such a stupid decision.
Those parents have , however, supported such a stupid decision.
It is, however, hardly true that……
4、不是省略而是替換(代詞) 例:6. If you could change one important thing about your hometown, what would you change? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.
A nice environment will make people happier.
A nice environment will also make people healthier. A good environment will not only make people happier and healthier, but it will even make people more productive.
熟讀過一些典型托福 范文 的同學(xué),應(yīng)該了解,托福寫作很講究文章的邏輯嚴(yán)密性。有的人甚至覺得他的結(jié)構(gòu)與八股文相比有過之而無不及,但是我建議大家不要輕視了這作文結(jié)構(gòu)。建議大家考查自己是否有能力用 邏輯思維 方法 來表達(dá)自己對事物的想法和看法,實際上也就是流暢表達(dá)文章的結(jié)構(gòu)上。大家在練習(xí)作文時,往往會覺得如何準(zhǔn)確用詞是練習(xí)的重點,會費去大量的時間。其實,如何構(gòu)建一個嚴(yán)密的邏輯框架才是訓(xùn)練之重,需要被放在首位。
Students can use their mobile phones to surf on the Internet or listen to the music while doing their homework 在做作業(yè)的時候,孩子們可以使用手機或者是聽音樂:
1. 對于缺乏自律性的學(xué)生而言,一心二用容易分散他們的注意力,降低他們的學(xué)習(xí)效率。形成對比的是,學(xué)生們?nèi)绻麑W⒂趯W(xué)習(xí),可以培養(yǎng)他們的學(xué)習(xí)興趣,提高他們學(xué)習(xí)效率,使學(xué)生們精通學(xué)業(yè)。
2. 學(xué)業(yè)成功的關(guān)鍵是專注專心,做作業(yè)的同時聽歌或者上網(wǎng)容易使孩子們變得懶散,散漫的習(xí)慣對于孩子們的學(xué)業(yè),事業(yè),生活都會造成不良影響。
1. 放松身心,緩解壓力,尤其是在遇到學(xué)習(xí)困難的時候。
1. The study will be delayed and disadvantaged.耽誤學(xué)業(yè)
解析:disadvantage v使處于不利地位
2. get unsatisfying marks in the exam v考試成績不能令人們滿足
3. by contrast = in marked contrast v形成對比的是
4. Students need to be focused when fulfilling homework duty 學(xué)生在完成作業(yè)時應(yīng)該專注的。
5. zero in on one’s academic study v專注于學(xué)習(xí)
解析:zero in on = focus on = concentrate on v專注于……
6. One’s attention will distracted 一個人的精力會被分散
7. impose much pressure upon our minds v增加了精神的壓力
拓展:impose much pressure upon a nation economically 增加了國家的經(jīng)濟壓力
8. …… is a great-waster v …… 是浪費時間的事情
9. …… waste large amounts of time v ……浪費大量的時間
10. fail to improve the efficiency of learning v不能提高學(xué)習(xí)效率
11. cannot enhance the efficiency of learning v不能提高學(xué)習(xí)效率
12. might become absent-minded 也許會變得心不在焉的
13. …… might interfere with one’s study …… 也許會耽誤一個人的學(xué)習(xí)
解析:interfere with v干涉……
14. do the homework duty v做家庭作業(yè)
15. fulfill the homework duty v完成家庭作業(yè)
16. You can not eat your cake and have it two 魚和熊掌不可兼得。
17. My personal story could justify my stand 我的個人的 故事 可以證明我的立場
18. Some people argue that they might lose enthusiasm for their studies if they concentrate on study for a long time, therefore, they prefer to finish their homework duty while surfing on line or listen to some favorite music. 有些人認(rèn)為他們?nèi)绻麑W⒂趯W(xué)習(xí)太久,也許會失去學(xué)習(xí)的熱情,因此,他們更加喜歡一邊上網(wǎng)或者聽過,一邊完成作業(yè)。
19. it is unwise to do sth v做……是不明智的
20. it is a hasty decision to encourage sb to do sth v鼓勵某人做……是草率的決定